
I am an assistant professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at George Washington University. I completed my postdoctoral training at Yale University and my doctorate at Harvard University.

Our surroundings and environmental exposures have major impacts on our health. I research their health effects and investigate strategies to minimize detriments, especially among marginalized communities. Lately, I focused on environmental health disparities, asking if certain population groups are disproportionately exposed to or affected by air pollution, heat, and low access to green spaces. To do this, I develop methods to ascertain environmental exposure levels and estimate their consequent health effects.

I lead the Laboratory for Environmental Assessment and Population Health (LEAPH).



Air Pollution

Nature / Green Spaces




Dalhousie University

  • ENVS/GEOG 3400: Environment and Human Health
  • ENVS 4100: Environmental Sciences Capstone

International Society for Environmental Epidemiology

Harvard University

ETH Zurich

  • Environmental Impacts, Threshold Levels and Health Effects